Monday 30 January 2017

Portfolio Design

After completion of my CV, I have began to plan out my portfolio. Before I began to add content I decided on my colour scheme and font. I have decided to keep the theme of my CV and incorporate it into my portfolio.

The colour scheme I have chosen is:

I will primarily use the two pink colours for my portfolio.

The next decision I made is the font for my portfolio. Again, I have to decided to keep my cv design consistent with my portfolio and have decided to use the font Delihi previously used within my Curriculum Vitae. I have downloaded this font from and have installed into both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

My next step was to decide on what content I will include in my portfolio. I will include a table of contents, my cv and my projects. I have decided to include projects I have completed last semester and projects I have completed from my previous course over the last four years.

Upon research of various portfolios, many people add a mood-board to describe themselves within their portfolio. Im still making a decision to add a mood-board to my portfolio to add a sense of personalisation and portray my personality to potential employers.

As I have decided on my overall colour scheme, font, and potential content I will begin to design my portfolio using the Adobe suite.

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