Saturday 21 January 2017

Assignment 1: The next step!- Development of my CV

After careful research of various portfolios and CV's, my step was to develop my own excellent designed CV. To do this, I used various examples I have researched to customise to my own preference.

Before I began, I decided on a colour scheme that I plan to use in relation to my cv and portfolio. I then decided on what fonts I would like to use and finally I decided on my skills and information I need to display on my CV.

The colour scheme I have chosen is a palette that contains, pinks, blue's, yellows and browns. I found this palette from

Why Pink?
Overall, I plan to use the two shades of pink primarily for my cv and incorporate the various other colours into my portfolio. Pink is a combination of the colours red and white. Pink contains the need for action of red, helping to achieve potential success. With this CV I hope to successfully secure a job within the sector of Information Technology.

The next decision was the fonts I would use on my CV. I decided on two fonts. These fonts are Delhi regular and Segoe UI Light.

Contents of CV
Finally, I decided on what information I thought was extremely important to include on a cv for potential employers. This information included:

  • A basic summary about myself
    • This summary will describe my latest education, past education and skills I have developed in the last few years
  • General information
    • General information will contain information on my location and age
  • Education information
    • Education information will contain information on my latest and previous course that I have completed. I also decided to include my awards of my degrees.
  • Work Experience information
    • My work experience includes information on my previous experience, location of this experience and the dates of these jobs
  • My Interest
    • To make my CV more personal, I decided to included a few of my interests. I will display these interests using infographics
  • My Skills
    • I will list my technical skills on my cv. This skills will also be displayed using infographics
  • My Contact details
    • My contact details will include my mobile number, my email address, my Behance link and my LinkedIn link.
To ensure my CV is eye-catching I have decided to use various info-graphics to make my cv look more quirky and professional. The software I plan to use is Adobe Photoshop. Once my cv is complete I will upload it to Behance and begin to develop my portfolio. 

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