Sunday 26 February 2017

Issuu Link: Portfolio Uploaded

With the help of both and, I was finally able to tackle my viewing problems. By margining my pdf into sections using pdfmerge and then combining them altogether using combine pdf, I was finally able to upload my portfolio to Issuu.

Issuu Problems

Over the past week, I have been trying to upload my portfolio to Issuu. Unfortunately this has been an overall failure with every method I try.

Portfolio Complete



Monday 30 January 2017

Portfolio Design

After completion of my CV, I have began to plan out my portfolio. Before I began to add content I decided on my colour scheme and font. I have decided to keep the theme of my CV and incorporate it into my portfolio.

The colour scheme I have chosen is:

I will primarily use the two pink colours for my portfolio.

The next decision I made is the font for my portfolio. Again, I have to decided to keep my cv design consistent with my portfolio and have decided to use the font Delihi previously used within my Curriculum Vitae. I have downloaded this font from and have installed into both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

My next step was to decide on what content I will include in my portfolio. I will include a table of contents, my cv and my projects. I have decided to include projects I have completed last semester and projects I have completed from my previous course over the last four years.

Upon research of various portfolios, many people add a mood-board to describe themselves within their portfolio. Im still making a decision to add a mood-board to my portfolio to add a sense of personalisation and portray my personality to potential employers.

As I have decided on my overall colour scheme, font, and potential content I will begin to design my portfolio using the Adobe suite.

Monday 23 January 2017

Saturday 21 January 2017

Assignment 1: The next step!- Development of my CV

After careful research of various portfolios and CV's, my step was to develop my own excellent designed CV. To do this, I used various examples I have researched to customise to my own preference.

Before I began, I decided on a colour scheme that I plan to use in relation to my cv and portfolio. I then decided on what fonts I would like to use and finally I decided on my skills and information I need to display on my CV.

The colour scheme I have chosen is a palette that contains, pinks, blue's, yellows and browns. I found this palette from

Why Pink?
Overall, I plan to use the two shades of pink primarily for my cv and incorporate the various other colours into my portfolio. Pink is a combination of the colours red and white. Pink contains the need for action of red, helping to achieve potential success. With this CV I hope to successfully secure a job within the sector of Information Technology.

The next decision was the fonts I would use on my CV. I decided on two fonts. These fonts are Delhi regular and Segoe UI Light.

Contents of CV
Finally, I decided on what information I thought was extremely important to include on a cv for potential employers. This information included:

  • A basic summary about myself
    • This summary will describe my latest education, past education and skills I have developed in the last few years
  • General information
    • General information will contain information on my location and age
  • Education information
    • Education information will contain information on my latest and previous course that I have completed. I also decided to include my awards of my degrees.
  • Work Experience information
    • My work experience includes information on my previous experience, location of this experience and the dates of these jobs
  • My Interest
    • To make my CV more personal, I decided to included a few of my interests. I will display these interests using infographics
  • My Skills
    • I will list my technical skills on my cv. This skills will also be displayed using infographics
  • My Contact details
    • My contact details will include my mobile number, my email address, my Behance link and my LinkedIn link.
To ensure my CV is eye-catching I have decided to use various info-graphics to make my cv look more quirky and professional. The software I plan to use is Adobe Photoshop. Once my cv is complete I will upload it to Behance and begin to develop my portfolio. 

Assignment 1: CV Design

The next step within the assignment was to research five excellently design CV's online. Once I research five excellent CV design I must update my own CV to ensure that all my education and work experience is up to date.

An excellent designed CV should include:

  1. Personal contact details 
    1. Phone number, email address, social media platforms including LinkedIn
  2. Show off who you are and your personality
  3. Do not include hard to read typography

Using a mixture of various websites including Behance and Pinterest I began my research. It was easy to find 5 excellently designed CV but it was extremely hard to pick just 5. The following are the CV I picked.

1. SMOG Creative CV, Miguel Rato, 2012


Why is this CV design excellent?
  • Order of contents
  • Use of graphics
  • Personal touches to the cv-image, short paragraph to describe the creator

2. Info-graphic CV, Ana Lourenco, 2012


Why is this CV design excellent?

  • Order of contents
  • Use of graphics
  • Personal touches-image
  • Display of skills
  • Consistent design throughout

3. Info-graphic CV, Chen Zhi Liang, 2013

Why is this CV design excellent?

  • Order of contents
  • Use of infographics
  • Eye-catching design

4. Info-graphic Resume, Morgan Kourim, 2014

Why is this CV design excellent?

  • Order of contents
  • Use of graphics
  • Use of colour
  • Display of skills
  • Personal logo used
5. Curriculum Vitae, Ryan Eccleston, 2012

Why is this CV design excellent?

  • Order of contents
  • Use of graphics
  • Consistency